What is #MyLifeAt15 ?
What is #MyLifeAt15?
#MyLifeAt15 is the global campaign calling ongovernments to implement the new global target
to end child marriage by 2030.
• A girl born in the year 2000, who is now 15, has never known a world that was not fighting
to end poverty thanks to the Millennium
Development Goals — but these goals didn’t
adequately address girls and their needs.
• At the end of September, countries will gather at the UN to approve the new Global Goals for
Sustainable Development, the world-wide action plan to solve some of our biggest problems
by 2030 and, this time, ending child marriage is in their plans.
• With the launch of the Global Goals, now that same girl as a teenager can be part of the fight
against inequality and injustice, and the movement to end child marriage by 2030.
• #MyLifeAt15 celebrates the dreams and ambitions we held at the age of 15 in support of every
girl, everywhere, having the opportunity to achieve hers, without child marriage holding her back.
• All around the world, #MyLifeAt15 is a call to invest in tomorrow’s generation by ending child
marriage now #EndChildMarriage
Learn more Join the Campaign :http://www.girlsnotbrides.org/join-mylifeat15-tell-governments-to-end-child-marriage-now/