Meet Young people accross Tanzania joining in #MyLifeAt15 Campaign!

Last week, the adoption of the Global Goals for Development marked a historic moment. For the first time, 193 countries committed to ending child marriage in our lifetime.

The Global Goals demonstrate remarkable progress. The Millennium Development Goals made no mention of child marriage, a practice that affects 15 million girls every year. The Global Goals recognise child marriage not only as a barrier to girls achieving their full potential, but also to the development and well-being of their communities and countries.

But it’s not enough for governments to agree on a target to end child marriage. They have to live up to their commitments. Governments must draw up and enforce policies that end child marriage, and create alternative for girls and their families.

Stand in solidarity with the dreams and aspirations of girls worldwide!

1) Share your photo and describe your ambitions and dreams at the age of 15, using #MyLifeAt15 and #EndChildMarriage.

Unless we act, 15 million girls a year will be unable to realise their dreams and ambitions because of child marriage.

2) Share the campaign with your friends, colleagues and networks. 

We are stronger when we speak with one voice!

  • 15M girls a year are married before 18. This must change! Join #MyLifeAt15 & tell leaders to #EndChildMarriage now.
  • Every girl deserves to fulfil her dreams. Share your #MyLifeAt15 photo & join the mov’t to #EndChildMarriage!
  • We will #EndChildMarriage by 2030. Let’s put our #GlobalGoals commitment into action. Join #MyLifeAt15 today:

3) Take the campaign offline! 

Use the to petition your government, reach out to media, or raise awareness in your community.
Girls deserve the chance to fulfil their dreams and ambitions. Together, let’s urge governments to make child marriage history!

On 1 October, Girls Not Brides is launching #MyLifeAt15, a global campaign calling on governments to make the new Global Goals target to end child marriage by 2030 a reality.